And So It Begins...

The adventure begins. This cultural moment in our lives is the opportunity to fully embrace all that God has for us. History has shown us that times of uncertainty and confusion can surface regularly in our collective experience. Wars and rumours of wars, plague and pandemic, economic collapse and moral destitution, all have had their moments. Many of the props we have relied on, and the normal experiences that we have trusted to carry us, have been shown to be inadequate to accompany us into a thriving future.

Jesus has promised that a kingdom full of possibilities is always before us. He has spoken about the critical connections we must make to abide and remain intimate with him as he guides us into a relationship with the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. This moment is one full of the grace of God and a testimony of the fact that God sees, hears and blesses us in moments like these, perhaps even more than usual because it has surfaced our need for Him.

As we walk together may we remember that Jesus is beckoning us to walk with him into the future - together.